Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hi Everybody!

Phew... I'm free and back! Since last July 1, I've been working on a new beading book to be released later this year (probably not until late Oct or Nov). Finally the last of the manuscript (54,064 words, 140 pages single spaced), images (597 of them) and beadwork pieces are on their way to the publisher. And for the first time in 8 months I have time to post & read blogs and do my own beading. Ahhhhhh!

If anybody's interested, I'm writing a series of posts about what it's like (and a little about how) to write/publish beading books. Part 1 is here.

I've also finished two more pieces from last year's BJP. I posted one of them here (and you can see a preview above).

Just now started getting caught up on reading the posts here on our group blog. Hope to get around to your posts in the next few days. There is some breathtaking work being done this year. I'm in awe... and can't wait to get started on my pieces after I finish one more for last year.

Joy to all,
Robin A.